Predictive analytics for smart farming

Among the common parameters collected from the farm would be the Soil Temperature, Soil Moisture in %, Soil EC value. Crossing these data with Micro Weather Station' reading.

Farm owner can get early warning on the risk of bacterial or pest infections. These data would enables farmers to estimate optimal amounts of water, fertilizers, and pesticides that their crops need, reduce expenses, and raise better and healthier crops.

Predictive analytics for smart farming

Applied in agriculture, solutions by TanahMu enable farmers to save up to 50% irrigation water, reduce the loss of fertilizers caused by overwatering, and deliver actionable insights regardless of season or weather conditions.

A Digital Dashboard

For those who wanted a simpler approach, there is a cloud based dashboard with all the digital gauges for those sensors installed and activated in the Farm.

A typical Dashboard of a TanahMu Digital Farm Sensor.


Communications Protocols

  • To upload telemetry to the cloud Servers, Digital Farm Sensor has connection options of WiFi, GSM/LTE, LoRaWAN/LTE.
  • Internally, communication and data retrieval from sensors are RS485, RS232 and some other Analogue
  • interfaces if required.
  • For 3rd Party System integration, API based on RESTFul methods will be used

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